McDonaldsville St. Paul UMC

McDonaldsville Church has been the sponsoring institution of our Troop since it’s inception in 1967, when the unit was started by a number of men wanting to bring Scouting to our congregation. For over 40 years, the Church has provided us facilities to meet, store our gear, and display our award recognitions. Being the sponsoring institution, the Church actually owns all of the real property of the Troop. We need to keep in mind that the Church allows us access to their facilites and we are to respect it at all times by cleaning up after ourselves and preventing any intentional damage. We annually hold a service day at the Church to help with any maintenance or improvement projects. Many Eagle Scout projects in the past have been part of improving the Church property. Please keep in mind all that the Church has done for us over the years.

McDonaldsville St Paul United Methodist Church

7641 Wales Ave, NW
North Canton, OH 44720-6356
(330) 499-6971

Pastor: Rev Erwin M. Urschitz ervwendy AT
Secretary: Amy mcdchurch AT

  • The McJourney Church Bulletin is mailed on the first of each month. Article deadline is the 15th of each month. You can send it to Amy; by email is fine and she will format if needed. News and announcement contributions are greatly encouraged – Eagle Court of Honors, Eagle projects, etc…!

Church related references: